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Bond Blooodbath Leaves Entire Treasury Curve Underwater For 2016

Bond Blooodbath Leaves Entire Treasury Curve Underwater For 2016

The collapse of the US Treasury market in the last two days has sent the entire curve (from 2Y to 30Y) higher in yield on the year....

The belly is underperforming with 5Y and 7Y worst (+20 and 21bps respectively) with 2Y 'best' - yield up 'only' 11bps in 2016...


And US bond markets are drastically underperforming the rest of the developed world...

More Bad News For Jill Stein As Pennsylvania Judge Blocks Recount Petitions

More Bad News For Jill Stein As Pennsylvania Judge Blocks Recount Petitions

As most people are still trying to figure out exactly what Jill Stein is doing and why she's doing it, a judge in Montgomery County Pennsylvania, just north of Philadelphia, has decided he's seen enough.  After hearing arguments from attorneys representing Jill Stein’s campaign and the Montgomery County Board of Elections, Judge Bernard A. Moore dismissed the petitions of voters in 78 precincts to recount votes or forensically analyze voting machines due a lack of evidence and improperly filed petitions.  Per The Times Herald of Montgomery County:

Starting Today, Feds Can Hack Millions Of Devices With One Warrant

Submitted by Shaun Bradley via,

On Thursday, December 1, a vital Supreme Court order is set to go into effect that dramatically expands the surveillance power of federal agents. The impending alteration to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure softens the legal requirements for obtaining search and seizure warrants that grant the government remote access to individual’s computers and phones.
