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Arizona Citizens Tracked In Facial Recognition Database In First Step For 'REAL ID' Implementation

Arizona Citizens Tracked In Facial Recognition Database In First Step For 'REAL ID' Implementation

Authored by Aaron Kesel via,

Arizona citizens are now in a government database that uses facial recognition technology to track them simply for getting a driver’s license.

This allows federal and local law enforcement to use the “perpetual lineup” of suspects not accused of a crime to see if someone is wanted for a crime, Arizona Capitol Times reported.

The state says that the program is to prevent identity theft and fraud. Here’s how it works according to Arizona Capitol Times.

WSJ Editorial Board Calls On "Too Conflicted" Mueller To Step Down

WSJ Editorial Board Calls On "Too Conflicted" Mueller To Step Down

Via The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board,

The special counsel is stonewalling Congress and protecting the FBI...

Donald Trump is his own worst enemy, as his many ill-advised tweets on the weekend about Michael Flynn, the FBI and Robert Mueller’s Russia probe demonstrate. But that doesn’t mean that Mr. Mueller and the Federal Bureau of Investigation deserve a pass about their motives and methods, as new information raises troubling questions.

Obama DOJ Didn't Bother To Interview FBI Informant Before Filing Charges In Uranium One Scandal

Obama DOJ Didn't Bother To Interview FBI Informant Before Filing Charges In Uranium One Scandal

Do you ever get the sense that with certain investigations, primarily those targeting conservatives, the FBI has a tendency to dot every 'i', cross every 't' and pursue charges at all costs, no matter how minor, but with others (think Hillary's email scandal) even the most glaring violations of federal law seem to go unpunished?

Anti-Trump FBI Agent Changed Assessment Of Hillary Email Scandal To "Extremely Careless" From "Grossly Negligent"

Anti-Trump FBI Agent Changed Assessment Of Hillary Email Scandal To "Extremely Careless" From "Grossly Negligent"

Over the weekend we noted that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's top FBI investigator into 'Russian meddling', agent Peter Strzok, was removed from the probe due to the discovery of anti-Trump text messages exchanged with a colleague (a colleague whom he also happened to be having an extra-marital affair with).

Not surprisingly, the discovery prompted a visceral response from Trump via Twitter:
