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Obama’s Witness for the Prosecution

President Obama’s pick to replace the late Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court is, perhaps surprisingly, a consensus candidate who up until now has enjoyed strong support from both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. But constitutional scholars say behind Merrick Garland’s centrist profile is a pattern of reinforcing government and police powers that civil libertarians may find a bit difficult to live with.

Three-Year-Old Randomly Beheaded In Front Of Mother In Taiwan

A three-year-old girl riding a bicycle was randomly attacked by a man from behind who proceeded to behead her in front of her helpless mother outside a subway station in Taiwan’s capital Taipei. Police have arrested a man following the attack according to local media The Mirror reports: According to reports, the man grabbed the girl from behind and decapitated her with a cleaver as she rode on her balance bike down the street with her mum. The mother, who was taking the girl to see her grandfather, desperately tried to prevent the attack but could not save her daughter.

Five Year Old ‘Sex Offender’ Investigated By Police In Austria

A five year old preschooler in Austria has been accused of sexually assaulting a three year-old girl by the toddler’s parents. The prosecutor referred the case to the child services after dropping the police investigation. RT reports: Parents of a 3-year-old girl reported a sexual assault of their daughter to the police after her fellow 5-year-old kindergartener allegedly put a Lego brick in her panties. The parents, apparently outraged by such conduct, went straight to police, alleging a “sex attack” and several “other incidents” as compelling evidence, Austrian Krone newspaper reports.

French Prosecutors Say Netanyahu Has Befriended Europe’s Biggest Fraudster

French prosecutors have revealed that Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu has a “shady” relationship with an infamous fraudster known to authorities as the “brain” behind one of the biggest frauds in European history.  Arnaud Mimran, a friend of Netanyahu’s, has been accused of stealing up to 1.6 billion euros in a fraud case often referred to as “the scam of the century”.
