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The Snoopers’ Charter Has Cleared Its First Hurdle In Parliament

Amid fierce criticism, the Investigatory Powers Bill, best known as the Snoopers’ Charter, passed its second reading in the UK’s lower house of Parliament on Tuesday. The House of Commons gave its blessing 281-15 to with all the main opposition parties deciding to abstain from voting rather than opposing the bill. They say that the legislation needs extensive amendments before being signed into law. During the public review session a number of prominent politicians voiced strong opposition to the bill, claiming that it was likely illegal and did not include sufficient safeguards.

Iran Slams US 9/11 Court Ruling Calling It A Mockery Of Justice

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hossein Jaberi Ansari has slammed a US court ruling against Iran over the 9/11 terrorist attacks, calling them“unjust”, “ridiculous” and “absurd” On Monday he described the US court order as “the latest product of the US Judicial system in the race for blindly following Zionist Iranophobic scenarios.” He said “The ruling is ludicrous and absurd to the point that it makes a mockery of the principle of justice while further tarnishes the US judiciary’s reputation” Press TV reports: On Wednesday, Iran was ordered by a US judge to pay more than $10.5 billion i

WhatsApp Strong Encryption Frustrates US Prosecutors

The Justice Department has opened another front in the war against secure encryption by going after WhatsApp. The DOJ is frustrated with the popular messaging app’s strong encryption and might go after its parent company, Facebook, in a case similar to Apple-iPhone Vs FBI. Ars Technica reports: According to a Saturday report in The New York Times, prosecutors have gone head-to-head with WhatsApp, the messaging app owned by Facebook.
