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In Growing War Over CFPB Leadership, Chief Counsel Says Trump Has Authority To Appoint Director

In Growing War Over CFPB Leadership, Chief Counsel Says Trump Has Authority To Appoint Director

It’s been two days since former CFPB Director Richard Cordray resigned his post and named Deputy Director Leandra English as his successor, setting the agency up for what looks to be a brief but noisy legal dogfight. As was widely expected, English, who had formerly been Cordray’s chief of staff before he named her deputy director on his way out the door, filed a lawsuit late Sunday against President Trump to block Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney from taking over as acting director of the agency

Pyrrhic Victory - Prosecutor Finds 36 Guilty For The Stock Exchange Crash In 1999

Pyrrhic Victory - Prosecutor Finds 36 Guilty For The Stock Exchange Crash In 1999

An Athens Appellate Court Prosecutor has found 36 people guilty for the infamous “Athens Stock Exchange Crash of 1999” that caused thousands of small investors to have lost their life savings.

As reports, it has taken 18 years for an Athens Appellate Court Prosecutor, Athina Theodoropoulou, to find guilty 36 individuals implicated in the affair – including stockbrokers, investors, and shipowners.

Upstate New York Mall Evacuated After Shooter Injures Multiple Victims

Upstate New York Mall Evacuated After Shooter Injures Multiple Victims

Police and other emergency services in New York are at the scene of a shooting at the Galleria at Crystal Run mall near Middletown in Orange County.

As BNONews reports, the incident began at about 3:15 p.m. ET on Sunday when officers were called to reports of shots being fired at or near the American Eagle store.

Details about the exact circumstances of the shooting were not immediately known.

LA, NYC Detectives Collaborate On Weinstein Probes As Arrests Loom

LA, NYC Detectives Collaborate On Weinstein Probes As Arrests Loom

Detectives in New York and Los Angeles have been hinting for weeks that they’re close to arresting disgraced studio head Harvey Weinstein for one of any number of credible sexual assault claims that both fall within the statute of limitations and involve accusers who can provide the evidence prosecutors need to make pursuing a case worthwhile.

Roy Moore's Communications Director Resigns

Amid an ongoing barrage of sexual assault allegations, Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore has just confirmed to the Washingtonian that his communications director, John Rogers, has resigned.

John Rogers has resigned as communications director from Roy Moore’s Senate campaign, according to a source familiar with the matter.


Reached by phone on Wednesday, Rogers confirmed his resignation. He declined to comment further.

