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Criminal Proceedings Against Lord Janner End

An Old Bailey Judge has said that criminal proceedings against the late Lord Janner, over charges of sex abuse, have now ended because of his death. The case against the former Labour MP, charged with 22 sexual offences dating back to the 1960s against nine boys and men, was set to be heard in a trial of the facts from which Lord Janner would be absent because of his dementia. Following his death in December, prosecutors suggested the trial could go ahead posthumously. But on Friday the trial of the facts, which was due to take place in April, was shelved by prosecutors.

Secret Spy Equipment Found On People’s Phones Across London

A team of journalists have discovered a large-scale network of sophisticated surveillance equipment that spies on people’s phones across London, amid a growing black market for the same technology worldwide.  Vice News found multiple instances of catchers – also known as stingrays or cell-site simulators – across London including the UK parliament, a peaceful anti-austerity protest, and at the Ecuadorian embassy (where Julian Assange is being held). Vice News reports: A former senior surveillance insider also confirmed to VICE News that they have been used by UK police.

More Smoking Guns - Will Hillary's Next Stop Be The White House Or The Big House?

Submitted by Andrew Napolitano via,

The federal criminal investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s failure to secure state secrets was ratcheted up earlier this week, and at the same time, the existence of a parallel criminal investigation of another aspect of her behavior was made known. This is the second publicly revealed expansion of the FBI’s investigations in two months.
