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Texas Police Chief Warns Obama Of "Approaching Revolution", Urges Citizens To Arms Themselves

Randy Kennedy, the chief of the Hughes Springs Police Department (in Texas), is the latest in a string of police chiefs across the nation urging citizens to arm themselves following the recent mass shootings in Colorado Springs and San Bernardino.

In this brief clip, Kennedy warns President Obama that trying to take away American's guns will "cause a revolution," adding that the 2nd Amendment is "there to protect us against a government that has over-reached its power," exclaiming "you are not our potentate, sir. You are our servant."

What next for Venezuela?

the Venezuelan political system, with all its flaws, is much more democratic than the conventional wisdom has maintained. Now, what about the future? If the opposition gets a two-thirds majority of seats (112 or more), it would have important powers, such as the ability to remove Supreme Court judges, censure the vice president and call an assembly to propose changes to the constitution.

Spanish Court Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Senior Israeli Officials

Spanish Court Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu and Senior Israeli Officials

Now if they would do the same for Bush, Cheney, Condi Rice, Obama, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Nuland . . .

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