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Rand's neighbor of 17 years ambushed the good Senator while mowing his lawn and beat the stuffing out of him, cracking 5 ribs, knocking out 3 teeth, and possibly breaking his jaw. He was charged with a 4th degree assault and released on a laughable $7,500 bail. What?!

Rand's staff has been downplaying it and his neighbors' lawyer said it was an altercation of a 'trivial' event. What?!

Neighbor Who Attacked Rand Paul May Face Felony Charges

Neighbor Who Attacked Rand Paul May Face Felony Charges

Apparently, Kentuckians have different criteria for what constitutes a “serious” injury than we do in the rest of the country.

To wit, the Washington Post reported Monday that law-enforcement authorities are considering upgrading the charges against Rene Boucher after the Bowling Green doctor trespassed on Rand Paul’s property in Bowling Green, Kentucky and tackled the senator, resulting in what Paul’s staff at the time described as “minor” injuries but were late yesterday revealed to be five cracked ribs.

Air Force Reporting Error Allowed Texas Shooter To Buy Guns

Air Force Reporting Error Allowed Texas Shooter To Buy Guns

As details slowly trickled out this morning about yesterday’s mass shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, one glaring inconsistency quickly became clear: How did Devin Patrick Kelley - the deceased suspected shooter - manage to get his hands on the AR-556 rifle he used to murder 26 people (including up to 14 children) and and maim another 20?

Intel Committee Demands Fusion GPS Bank Records; Suspects Journalists Paid To Spread "Russian Collusion" Claims

Intel Committee Demands Fusion GPS Bank Records; Suspects Journalists Paid To Spread "Russian Collusion" Claims

For nearly a year now we've all been inundated with 24x7 media coverage of the "Russian Collusion" narrative which suggests, among other things, that various members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russian operatives to obtain damaging information on Hillary Clinton and then used social media to spread that damaging information far and wide, thus causing Hillary's inevitable second failed bid for the White House.

Early Comey Memo Accused Hillary Of "Gross Negligence," Punishable By Jail

 Early Comey Memo Accused Hillary Of "Gross Negligence," Punishable By Jail

According to a new report from The Hill, early drafts of former FBI Director James Comey's statement on Hillary Clinton's email case accused the former Secretary of State of "gross negligence" in her handling of classified information as opposed to the "extremely careless" phrase that made its way into the final statement.
