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FBI Reports 61% Surge In "Felonious" Cop Killings Year Over Year

Coinciding with an unprecedented surge in violence in cities like Chicago and Baltimore last year, the 2016 Law Enforcement Officers Killed And Assaulted (LEOKA) report released by the FBI earlier today has revealed a staggering increase in criminal attacks against police officers.  Per the report, a total of 118 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in 2016, of which 66 were felonious, a 61% increase versus 2015 and 144% increase compared to 2013.

Watch Live: AG Sessions To Be Grilled By Senate Judiciary On Russian Nuclear Bribery Case

Earlier this morning we learned that the Senate Judiciary Committee has finally decided they're going to take a look into a shady deal that handed Russia 20% of America's uranium reserves, was approved by the Obama administration during an ongoing FBI investigation into charges of bribery, extortion and money laundering by the Russian buyer and netted the Clintons millions of dollars in donations and 'speaking fees."  Per The Hill:

Here's How Much Each HSBC Trader Made In Their FX Front-Running Scheme

Here's How Much Each HSBC Trader Made In Their FX Front-Running Scheme

Last week we wrote about how some former HSBC FX traders, led by Mark Johnson, orchestrated a carefully crafted plan to front-run a massive buy order for British Pounds using the code phrase "my watch is off." 

Now, courtesy of court filings in a British case to extradite one of the participants, Stuart Scott, we learn exactly how much each HSBC trader made for his trading book in the illicit scheme that netted a total of $8 million in profits.  Per Bloomberg:

Firm Behind "Trump Dossier" Refuses To Comply With Congressional Subpoena

Firm Behind "Trump Dossier" Refuses To Comply With Congressional Subpoena

The three co-founders of Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm responsible for overseeing the creation of the infamous “Trump dossier”, will refuse to comply with a subpoena ordered by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, according to a letter from their attorneys originally obtained by Business Insider.

But experts say the argument their lawyers are using to ask that they be excused relies on shaky legal grounds, and is unlikely to hold.
