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Houston Man Arrested Trying To Plant Bomb At Confederate Statue

Houston Man Arrested Trying To Plant Bomb At Confederate Statue

With much of the US undergoing a broad revulsion against Confederate statues in the days since the Charlotesville clashes, it was only a matter of time before someone took matters one step too far. This happened today when a Houston man was arrested on allegations he tried to plant explosives at the statue of Confederate officer Richard Dowling in Hermann Park, according to citing law enforcement officials.

How to go From a Broken Taillight to 18 Months in Prison

Via The Daily Bell

It is amazing the amount of “crimes” one broken taillight precipitated.

A recent court case in Massachusetts highlights the insanity of statute law, versus common law. That is, relying on laws made by politicians, rather than assessing a claim brought by a victim.

Time, money, and freedom are all poured down the drain in favor of arbitrary statutes.

It started with a guy being pulled over for having a taillight out.

Women's March Organizer Sarsour Sees Convicted Terrorist Friend Stripped Of Citizenship, Banned Forever From US

Women's March Organizer Sarsour Sees Convicted Terrorist Friend Stripped Of Citizenship, Banned Forever From US

Rasmieh Yousef Odeh lost her citizenship and will be banned from America forever for intentionally falsifying her US immigration documents to hide a previous terrorism conviction. As Daily Caller reports, Women's March organizer Linda Sarsour has a long history of defending the soon-to-be-deported terrorist.
