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In First Formal Request, Mueller Asks White House For Flynn Documents

In the first known case of special counsel Robert Mueller’s team asking the White House to hand over records, investigators working for Mueller - who is investigating whether President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign colluded with Russia and who last week reportedly empanelled a grand jury -  have asked the White House for documents related to former national security adviser Michael Flynn, the New York Times reported late on Friday.

Federal Court Tosses Murder Conviction Of Ex-Blackwater Guard In 2007 Iraq Massacre

Federal Court Tosses Murder Conviction Of Ex-Blackwater Guard In 2007 Iraq Massacre

In a highly unusual decision sure to open old wounds among Iraqis and further prolong an already protracted legal saga, a US appeals court has thrown out the murder conviction of an ex-Blackwater security guard and ordered three co-defendants to be resentenced for their roles in the deadliest incident involving the controversial private security firm to date.

Martin Shkreli Convicted Of Securities Fraud

Martin Shkreli Convicted Of Securities Fraud

Moments ago, the Martin Shkreli jury announced its verdict, and while the ex-pharma exec was found not guilty on 5 of 8 counts, he was also found guilty on 3 of 8 counts, namely count 3: Securities Fraud, count 6: Securities Fraud, and count 8: Conspiracy to Commit Securities Fraud.

As a result, as Bloomberg writes, Shkreli - once dubbed "the most hated man in America" - is now a convicted felon.

PCR: "The Witch Hunt For Donald Trump Surpasses Salem"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

We should be scared to death that Sally Q. Yates served as a prosecutor in the Justice (sic) Department for 27 years. In the New York Times, Sally takes high umbrage to Trump’s criticism of his attorney general, Sessions, and blows Trump’s disappointment with Sessions into an attack by Trump on the rule of law.

Sally has it backwards. The rule of law is being attacked by the appointment of a special prosecutor to find something on Trump in the absence of any evidence of a crime.
