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Violent July Leaves Chicago Murders On Pace To Exceed 2016, The Bloodiest Year In Two Decades

Violent July Leaves Chicago Murders On Pace To Exceed 2016, The Bloodiest Year In Two Decades

One month ago, President Trump vowed to "send in the Feds" after Chicago's murder rate continued to track roughly in-line with 2016, the most violent year for the city in nearly two decades.


Lawsuit Alleges Fox News And Trump Collaborated To Create Fake Story About Seth Rich Killing

Lawsuit Alleges Fox News And Trump Collaborated To Create Fake Story About Seth Rich Killing

Malia Zimmerman, a Fox News reporter, was accused of fabricating two quotes for a story that connected now-deceased DNC staffer Seth Rich to Wikileaks in a lawsuit filed Tuesday by Washington police detective Rod Wheeler, the private investigator hired by Rich's family and himself a longtime Fox News commentator.

Wasserman Schultz IT Staffer "Frantically" Liquidating $2 Million In Real Estate Assets

Wasserman Schultz IT Staffer "Frantically" Liquidating $2 Million In Real Estate Assets

As the mainstream media continues to report 24x7 on their Russian collusion narrative in a shameless attempt to take down a Republican administration without any actual evidence of wrongdoing, the Democrats find themselves embroiled in yet another actual scandal, with actual crimes, where people have actually been arrested by the FBI while actually trying to flee the country...yet shockingly, none of these actual crimes seem to be of any interest at all to traditional media outlets.

The Witch Hunt for Donald Trump Surpasses the Salem Witch Trials of 1692-93

The Witch Hunt for Donald Trump Surpasses the Salem Witch Trials of 1692-93

Paul Craig Roberts

We should be scared to death that Sally Q. Yates served as a prosecutor in the Justice (sic) Department for 27 years. In the New York Times Sally takes high umbrage to Trump’s criticism of his attorney general, Sessions, and blows Trump’s disappointment with Sessions into an attack by Trump on the rule of law.

Federal Indictment Alleges Chrysler And UAW Execs Stole Millions From Employee Training Programs

Federal Indictment Alleges Chrysler And UAW Execs Stole Millions From Employee Training Programs

For any UAW employees out there who still think their union is anything more than a ponzi scheme designed to effectively tax membership while enriching a few 'bosses' at the top of the pyramid, you should probably take note of a federal indictment that was filed late last week alleging that Chrysler executives conspired with UAW leaders to siphon millions in funds earmarked for employee training to line their own pockets.
