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In Victory For Trump, Most Americans Now Support Travel Ban

In Victory For Trump, Most Americans Now Support Travel Ban

A new Politico-Morning Consult poll has found that six in 10 American voters now support the new travel ban on people from six predominantly Muslim countries.

You will find more statistics at Statista

As Statista's Niall McCarthy notes, the research found that 37 percent of people strongly support the State Department's guidelines while 23 percent somewhat support them.

Only 14 percent are both opposed and strongly opposed to the legislation while 11 percent said they don't know or have no opinion.

Federal Judge Blocks California Magazine Confiscation Law: "The Constitution Is A Shield From The Tyranny Of The Majority"

Federal Judge Blocks California Magazine Confiscation Law: "The Constitution Is A Shield From The Tyranny Of The Majority"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

It’s no secret that people on the left have a disdain for our representative form of government. That’s why they threw such a big fit over the electoral college system after the last election. They don’t like the idea that laws and elections aren’t determined by the will of the majority, and they don’t recognize how dangerous that would be for everyone’s freedom (or worse, in some cases they know exactly how dangerous it would be).
