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Canada Awards Confessed Terrorist $10 Million and an Apology for Violating His Civil Rights


Content originally published at

This wasn't a case of mistaken identity or wrongful imprisonment. Omar Khadr admitted to killing an American soldier -- but was still awarded $10.5m by Canada's supreme court, and an official apology by the Canadian government, for violating his civil rights. Nothing can be funnier than the state of doom for the civilization that pretends to exist north of our borders.

"Fyre Festival" Founder Arrested For Fraud, "Promising A Life-Changing Event But Delivering A Disaster"

"Fyre Festival" Founder Arrested For Fraud, "Promising A Life-Changing Event But Delivering A Disaster"

It's been just over two months since thousands of attendees at an ill fated music festival in the Bahamas were left to fend for themselves in a Millennial's worst nightmare of dying cell phones, cardboard sandwiches, burning tents, roving bands of thieves, feral dogs, and worst of all - anarchy at the bar.  Advertised as having "first-class culinary experiences and a luxury atmosphere," things like the "Private Luxury Villas" turned out to be nothing more than USAID disaster relief tents.

San Francisco Awards $190,000 To Illegal Immigrant Over "Sanctuary City Violation"

San Francisco Awards $190,000 To Illegal Immigrant Over "Sanctuary City Violation"

The tax payers of San Francisco, courtesy of a plea deal negotiated by the City Attorney's Office, will soon be handing over $190,000 to an illegal immigrant, who had a warrant out for his arrest mind you, after he filed a lawsuit alleging that city police violated 'sanctuary city ordinances' by handing him over to immigration officials.  No, you've not lost your mind, this is real life.

The Danger of Obedience: Fake Police Crime Spree

Via The Daily Bell

The police do not care about keeping you safe. If they did, they wouldn’t put innocent people in danger every day by driving unmarked cars, behaving unprofessionally, and performing no-knock raids. All these things make it quite easy to impersonate an officer in order to commit a crime.

People know their lives are literally in jeopardy if they disobey even the most minor order from a police officer. Innocent people are no exception, and simply questioning an officer, or asserting one’s rights has gotten people beaten, arrested, and even killed.
