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NSA Leaker Reality Winner "Wanted To Burn Down The White House"

Whatever one thinks of Edward Snowden, the actions of the original NSA leaker - right or wrong - were dictated not by spite, but an ideology: his desire to expose the pervasive domestic spying apparatus of the NSA, even if meant a lifelong exile in Russia, was - in his view - for the greater good. His infamous successor, NSA contractor Reality Winner, who was recently arrested for providing The Intercept with a top secret document allegedly revealing Russian hacking of the US election, however had a far less lofty goal: to burn Donald Trump down to the ground.

Watch Live: President Trump's Lawyer Marc Kasowitz Responds To Comey's Testimony

President Trump's lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, will make a public statement in response to Former FBI Director James Comey's testimony on Capitol Hill. The statement is expected to begin around 2pm ET.

According to a leak, no pun intended, of Kasowitz' statement, Trump's lawyer will say that "The President also never told Mr. Comey, “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty” in form or substance." He will add that "Of course, the Office of the President is entitled to expect loyalty from those who are serving in an administration."
