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Michael Flynn Subpoeanad By Senate Intel Committee

Less than 24 hours after Trump fired James Comey, the tables have turned and Senate Intel Committee leaders announced on Wednesday afternoon they have issued a subpoena to Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn for documents related to its probe into Russian interference of the presidential election. In a joint statement from Commttee chair Richard Burr (R-N.C.) and ranking member Mark Warner (D-Va.) the committee disclosed that it had first requested the documents in an April 28 letter to Flynn, but he "declined" to cooperate with the request.

The English Fought for Civil Liberty for Centuries Only to Destroy it With Intrusive Surveillance

The English Fought for Civil Liberty for Centuries Only to Destroy it With Intrusive Surveillance

Jeremy Bentham, who wanted to arrest and imprison people of suspected criminal inclination before they could commit a crime is alive and well in the UK.

Read this article carefully. It is America’s dystopia future as well as Britain’s.

Reporter Arrested For Shouting Questions At Health Secretary Price

Reporter Arrested For Shouting Questions At Health Secretary Price

Dan Heyman, a reporter for Public News Service, was arrested Tuesday at the West Virginia Capitol for allegedly causing a disturbance and yelling questions at federal leaders in town, court records show. According to WSAZ, the altercation happened during a visit from U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price and Special Counsel to the President of the United States Kellyanne Conway.
