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The Most Controversial DNA Test You've Never Heard Of

The Most Controversial DNA Test You've Never Heard Of

Authored by Josie Wales via,

A vote on whether to approve a proposal that would allow familial DNA searching in certain criminal cases has been delayed by New York state’s Forensic Science Committee. The controversial proposal has been sent back to a special subcommittee to “tighten up the language.”

If approved, the new policy would allow police to investigate family members of New Yorkers whose DNA closely matches DNA found at crime scenes.

Three People Killed In Fresno Shooting Spree; Shooter Screamed "Allahu Akbar", Hated "White People"

Three People Killed In Fresno Shooting Spree; Shooter Screamed "Allahu Akbar", Hated "White People"

Three people were shot and killed after a man went on a shooting spree Tuesday in central Fresno, randomly shooting at four white men, killing three, before he was taken into custody, police Chief Jerry Dyer said. The 39-year-old suspect, identified as Kori Ali Muhammad, is now in custody, Dyer said. Muhammad shouted "Allahu Akbar" as police tackled him to the ground after the shootings which were spread over four locations. The victims appeared to be random, Dyer said.

FBI Arrests Former Susquehanna Trader For Stealing HFT Code

FBI Arrests Former Susquehanna Trader For Stealing HFT Code

Almost eight years after Sergey Aleynikov made HFT a watercooler topic after the former Goldman engineer was arrested (and incarcerated, then released, then charged again, then found innocent, and finally found guilty yet again) for allegedly stealing Goldman's proprietary HFT code, a trading software developer was charged last Thursday by the acting U.S.

Body of Executed Terrorist Mysteriously Goes Missing

Via the Daily Bell

ROME- Inciting riots, making terrorist threats, destruction of property, treason, and impersonating a King are just some of the charges this man faced last week.

When the regional authorities of the Sanhedrin finally had enough of his sedition, agents of Rome moved to arrest the terrorist who has been in the news constantly over the past few years.
