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Facebook Responds To Murder Broadcast Live On Its Platform

Facebook has responded to reports that a Cleveland man, 37-year-old Steve Stephens, shot and killed an elderly man while broadcasting on the social media’s live platform.

“This is a horrific crime and we do not allow this kind of content on Facebook,” Facebook said in a statement issued to CNN. “We work hard to keep a safe environment on Facebook, and are in touch with law enforcement in emergencies when there are direct threats to physical safety.”

Court Rules Facebook Can’t Challenge Demands for User Data (and Can’t Tell Users)

Via The Daily Bell

Facebook is not exactly the champion of user privacy, but at least in one case, the company did go to bat for its users. Facebook took New York law enforcement to court over secret warrants that allowed authorities to collect user data.

Unfortunately, Facebook just lost their case in the New York courts. The court ruled that only users themselves, not facebook, can challenge law enforcement demands for their data.

Russian Arrested In Spain Over Suspicion Of US Election Hacking

An alleged Russian hacker, Pyotr Levashov, has been detained in Barcelona at the request of the FBI, an arrest that set cybersecurity circles abuzz after a Russian broadcaster raised the possibility it was linked to the U.S. presidential election, AP reports. A spokeswoman for Spain's National Court said that the Pyotr Levashov was arrested in response to a U.S. computer crimes warrant while a spokesman for the Russian embassy in Madrid confirmed the arrest on Sunday.
