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Kentucky Judge Finds That "Particularly Reckless" Trump Incited Violence At 2016 Rally

A United States District Court judge in Kentucky has ruled that Trump was "particularly reckless" at a Louisville rally in March 2016 for shouting "get 'em out of here" in reference to a group of Hillary snowflakes who literally shut down his event with their protests.    Per the Carrier-Journal:  

Trump Defends Flynn: "He Should Ask For Immunity In This Media Witch Hunt"

When commenting on the statement issued by Mike Flynn's lawyer Robert Kellner on Thursday night after the blockbuster WSJ report that Flynn was willing to testify "in exchange for immunity", an allegation that was not explicitly confirmed in the lawyer letter, we said "judging by Kelner's language, Flynn's offer is not so much to "turn" on Trump, as to set the record straight, while putting an end to the ongoing "media witch hunt."

Facial Recognition Tech Could Ensnare Millions Of Innocent Americans For Crimes They Didn’t Commit

Facial Recognition Tech Could Ensnare Millions Of Innocent Americans For Crimes They Didn’t Commit

Authored by Daniel Lang via,

It’s often the case that new technologies arrive on the scene faster than our society and its legal code can keep up. Sometimes this can be a good thing. For instance, 3D printing allows people to print out unregulated gun parts, thus allowing gun owners to circumvent the onerous laws of our government, which has struggled to come up with new laws to restrict the technology.

Settle Mayor Files Lawsuit Over 'Sanctuary City' Funding; Blasts Trump's "War On Cities"

Settle Mayor Files Lawsuit Over 'Sanctuary City' Funding; Blasts Trump's "War On Cities"

Ed Murray, the Mayor of the city of Seattle, has just launched yet another federal lawsuit against the Trump administration's threat to withhold federal grants to so-called "sanctuary cities," citing the 10th Amendment that deals with states' rights.  Murray also took to his bully pulpit to blast the Trump administration's "war on cities" while simultaneously declaring that Seattle isn't "breaking any laws" by simply choosing to ignore certain federal mandates.  Per NBC News:
