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China's Scandal Tinged Push To Buy Up Hollywood Media

China's Scandal Tinged Push To Buy Up Hollywood Media

Via Disobedient Media

As China's economy has boomed, corporations and individuals with historically close ties to the government have been the major beneficiaries. Sitting flush with massive amounts of cash on hand, power players in the Chinese markets have increasingly sought to branch out and increase their investments in foreign countries. Many of these investments target key industries despite their own government often restricting or forbidding the same kind of foreign investment domestically.

How The Mainstream Media Turned Al Qaeda Into A US Ally In Syria

How The Mainstream Media Turned Al Qaeda Into A US Ally In Syria

Submitted by Rania Khalek via,

The Syrian government - a dictatorship known for imprisoning, torturing and disappearing dissidents - is easy to vilify. And over the last five years of Syria’s civil war, it has committed its share of atrocities. But there is more than one side to every story, and US media coverage has mainly reflected one side—that of the rebels—without regard for accuracy or basic context.

How We Ended Up Here: A Brief History Of "Fake News", And The Role Of FaceBook

How We Ended Up Here: A Brief History Of "Fake News", And The Role Of FaceBook

With major media outlets having launched their campaign against fake news, which can be seen in in action in the screengrab below in which ABC News is disputing a news item...