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Trump Takes Victory Lap After Ford Cancels $1.6 Billion Mexican Expansion Plan As "Vote Of Confidence" In President-Elect

Trump Takes Victory Lap After Ford Cancels $1.6 Billion Mexican Expansion Plan As "Vote Of Confidence" In President-Elect

Update: sure enough, here comes Trump's twitter victory lap:


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Montreal Moves To Limit New Restaurants To Protect Existing Restaurants

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Here’s your “it’s hard to believe, but true” article of the day.

Reason reports:

Lawmakers in Montreal have moved to crack down on new restaurants, in an odious attempt to protect existing ones.


“Montreal has one of the highest restaurant per-capita ratios in North America and the amount of places to eat is worrying local politicians,” reads a Canadian Press piece from earlier this week.


Ritterbusch Warns OPEC Agreement May "Collapse Within Months": Here's Why

Ritterbusch Warns OPEC Agreement May "Collapse Within Months": Here's Why

As OPEC, which currently is pumping crude at a record rate yet has managed to fool algos and "experts" into bidding up crude to multi-month highs on "promises" it will cut a little over 1 million bpd in output starting in 2017, an "agreement" which Russia and other Non-OPEC nations may or may not join depending on whether OPEC states comply with the cuts (Russia has made it very clear it won't start cutting for a a while in the new year), a problem OPEC has long hoped to avoid mentioning, let alone addressing, has emerged.

Global Shares Trade Mixed In Thin Holiday Trade; Yen Rises As China Rebounds

With most global market closed for Christmas holiday, and traders taking the day and the week off, global stocks traded mixed in thin, subdued conditions as the dollar dipped against the yen, with the USDJPY sliding for a fourth straight day to 117, while the EUR was flat at 1.0450, taking stock of the US 10Y yield which closed lower on Friday.
