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North Korea

Quad Witch 'Pins' S&P At Exactly 2500 Despite Dismal Data, Nukes, & Terrorism

Quad Witch 'Pins' S&P At Exactly 2500 Despite Dismal Data, Nukes, & Terrorism

So to be clear, this week we had:

  • Hurricane Irma crushes Florida
  • North Korea test fires ICBMs across Japan (again)
  • Economic data misses across the globe (China and US most notably)
  • Terrorism in UK and France

And the result - drum roll please - new record highs for The Dow, The S&P, and The Nasdaq... with The Dow's best week of the year!!


Markets Ignore North Korea Missile Launch; Send Pound Soaring, Yen Tumbles

Markets Ignore North Korea Missile Launch; Send Pound Soaring, Yen Tumbles

S&P futures are slightly lower (ES -0.1%) as traders paid little attention to the latest missile test by North Korea on Friday, with shares and other risk assets barely moving, gold lower and focus rapidly returning to when and where interest rates will go up. Most global market are mostly unfazed, and the Korean Kospi actually closed up 0.4%, by the latest geopolitical escalation after a North Korean ballistic missile flew far enough to put the U.S. territory of Guam in range. European stocks edged fractionally lower while Asian shares advanced.

Is North Korea Using Bitcoin To Get Around UN Sanctions?

Is North Korea Using Bitcoin To Get Around UN Sanctions?

The latest round of United Nations sanctions against North Korea are designed specifically to prevent Kim Jong Un from obtaining hard currency. Luckily for the Kim regime, there’s always bitcoin.

According to Bloomberg, the isolated country, facing further restrictions on exports that would bring in desperately needed Chinese yuan, has increasingly been turning to bitcoin to circumvent the sanctions.
