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North Korea

US To Propose Watered Down North Korea Sanctions To Appease China And Russia

US To Propose Watered Down North Korea Sanctions To Appease China And Russia

In the latest indication that the US is desperate to reach a diplomatic compromise over North Korea, even if it means appeasing Beijing and Moscow, Reuters reports that while the UN Security Council is set to vote on Monday afternoon on a U.S.-drafted resolution to impose new sanctions on North Korea over latest nuclear test, as discussed on Friday, the new draft no longer proposes blacklisting North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, while also dropping a proposed oil embargo - something Beijing had vocally opposed - and instead intends to impose a ban on condensates and natural g

North Korean Defector Claims Kim Jong-Un's Days Are Numbered

North Korean Defector Claims Kim Jong-Un's Days Are Numbered

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

CNN allegedly found a North Korean defector through University researchers working in conjunction with the South Korean government.

The news outlet interviewed the alleged defector, who claims Kim Jong-Un’s days as “supreme leader” are numbered.

CNN says that the defector had worked among the elites in Pyongyang. In order to protect the man’s anonymity, the descriptions and his name were omitted from the interview.
