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North Korea

Gamblers Laundered $50M In Stolen Bangladesh Reserves For "Elite North Korean Hackers" By Playing Baccarat

Gamblers Laundered $50M In Stolen Bangladesh Reserves For "Elite North Korean Hackers" By Playing Baccarat

More than a year after a mysterious group of hackers infiltrated the SWIFT system for interbank payments and stole $100 million from the Central Bank of Bangladesh’s custody account at the New York Fed, Filipino authorities have been unable to recover $81 million that seemingly disappeared into the Manila air.

An Angry Beijing Responds: "We Will Never Dance To Trump's Tune"

With just one day to go until the Trump administration launches the first salvo in what could develop into a full-scale trade war between the US and China, there is the issue of a diplomatic (hopefully) resolution of escalating situation in North Korea, one which Citi today said is "increasingly likely" to involve military action. On this issue, China is becoming increasingly displeased with Trump's relentless twitter badgering, and as AFP reports, "Trump-style outbursts are no way to get China to bend to the US's will."

Trump To Launch Trade War With China On Friday, Beijing Vows Retaliation

Trump To Launch Trade War With China On Friday, Beijing Vows Retaliation

Yesterday, the WSJ reported that the Trump administration is planning to begin a probe of what the U.S. sees as violations of intellectual property by China. Against a backdrop of Trump’s frustrations with domestic policy, sliding approval ratings and disagreement with China over North Korea, the chances of protectionist action are rising, as is the probability of a "hot", retaliatory trade war. This morning ow learn when Trump is set to fire the first shot.

US Orders All Passport Holders Out Of North Korea After September 1

US Orders All Passport Holders Out Of North Korea After September 1

Having issued an indirect travel alert "urging" US national to "depart immediately" from North Korea two weeks ago, the US State Department has escalated their perspective on US citizens' travel to, in, or through North Korea dramatically by declaring all U.S. passports invalid for travel, implicitly ordering all Americans out of North Korea from September 1st 2017.



Notice of passport travel restriction.



