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North Korea

Trump Lashes Out At China Over North Korea: "We Will No Longer Allow This To Continue"

Trump Lashes Out At China Over North Korea: "We Will No Longer Allow This To Continue"

One month after Trump's ominously tweeted in the aftermath of Otto Warmbier's death, that while he greatly appreciates the efforts of President Xi & China to help with North Korea, "it has not worked out", confirming that the post Mar-A-Lago honeymoon period was officially over, moments ago the president blasted out his latest two tweets Saturday tweets, #12 and 13, in which he said he was "very disappointed" in China.

Kim Jong Un: "The Entire US Territory Is Now Within Our ICBM Range"

Kim Jong Un: "The Entire US Territory Is Now Within Our ICBM Range"

Confirming a Friday report by David Wright, physicist and co-director of the UCS Global Security Program, that the newest North Korean ICBM - which on Friday night flew for 45 minutes, reaching an altitude of up to 3,725 kilometers and traveled just under 1,000 kilometers before landing in Japan waters - can strike half the major metro areas on the continental US, overnight North Korea's leader Kim Jong-Un said that “we have demonstrated our ability to fire our intercontinental ballistic rocket at any time and place and that the entire U.S.

Latest North Korean ICBM Can Reach Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago

Latest North Korean ICBM Can Reach Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago

While North Korea has test fired numerous ballistic missiles (mostly intermediate-range, including one intercontinental) in the past, and as such today's launch was largely seen as merely the latest political provocation to Trump by a seemingly oblivious Kim John-Un, there was one notable difference in the launch post-mortem: according to press and Pentagon reports, the maximum altitude attained by the ICBM was 3,700 km (2,300 miles) with a flight time of about 47 minutes.

"Time Is Running Out" - China Is Planning For A Crisis Along North Korean Border

"Time Is Running Out" - China Is Planning For A Crisis Along North Korean Border

Despite Chinese officials reassurance that "military means shouldn’t be an option," WSJ reports that China has been bolstering defenses along its 880-mile frontier with North Korea and realigning forces in surrounding regions to prepare for a potential crisis across their border, including the possibility of a U.S. military strike.
