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North Korea

"An Incredible Accomplishment": Pentagon Successfully Shoots Down Simulated ICBM Attack

"An Incredible Accomplishment": Pentagon Successfully Shoots Down Simulated ICBM Attack

Update: according to the Pentagon, the much anticipated intercept of an intercontinental ballistic missile was a success, and the mock ICBM warhead was shot down over the Pacific "in a success for America's missile defense program." The test was the first of its kind in nearly three years, and was the first test ever targeting an intercontinental-range missile like North Korea is developing.

Short Victorious War: US President's Magic Wand To Wave In A Pinch

Short Victorious War: US President's Magic Wand To Wave In A Pinch

Authored by Andrei Akulov via The Strategic  Culture Foundation,

Putting together the bits of information coming from various sources leads to the conclusion that a US pre-emptive strike against North Korea is a possibility that may turn into reality pretty soon. Everyone knows it’s fraught with implications and nobody wants it but there is a good reason to believe it’s coming closer.
