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North Korea

1,746 American Adults Were Asked To Point Out North Korea On A Map: This Was The Result

1,746 American Adults Were Asked To Point Out North Korea On A Map: This Was The Result

In April 2014, just as the Ukraine conflict (and proxy civil war) was hitting its climax, in the process undermining US-Russian relations for years, some 2,066 Americans were asked to show where the Ukraine was on a map. The result, while leaving something to be desired, was not terrible.

Fast forward to this weekend, when the NYT repeated the same exercise with the latest geopolitical hotspot: North Korea. In an experiment led by Kyle Dropp of Morning Consult, he asked 1,746 American adults to point to where North Korea is on the world map. This was the raw result:


Major Developments Strongly Suggest The End Of Unipolar World Order

Major Developments Strongly Suggest The End Of Unipolar World Order

Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

With Moon Jae-In’s victory in South Korea, the period of tension on the Korean Peninsula is likely to end. With the rise to power of the new president, South Korea can expect a sharp decline in hostilities with North Korea as well as a resumption of dialogue with China.

North Korea: Test To Deliver "Large Scale Heavy Nuclear Warhead" Was Successful

North Korea: Test To Deliver "Large Scale Heavy Nuclear Warhead" Was Successful

Two days after the latest provocative missile test by North Korea, in which it launched a "new type" of ballistic missile, one which experts warned had a substantially longer range than any existing rocket North Korea had fired, on Monday morning North Korea announced that it had successfully conducted a mid-to-long range missile test on Sunday supervised by leader Kim Jong Un which was aimed at verifying the capability to carry a "large scale heavy nuclear warhead."

North Korea's Latest Ballistic Missile Was A "New Type" With Dramatically Longer Range

North Korea's Latest Ballistic Missile Was A "New Type" With Dramatically Longer Range

After North Korea provoked both its neighbors and the US when on Sunday morning it fired off yet another ballistic missile from Kusong near the border with China  - one which this time did not explode upon launch  - just days after the election of a new South Korean president who ironically advocates more engagement with Pyongyang, experts said the missile appeared to be a new type of ballistic missile, and had a far greater range than any other weapon North Korea has successfully launched.
