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Americans Have Never Been Fatter - And It's Getting Worse

Americans Have Never Been Fatter - And It's Getting Worse

Two recent reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that efforts to encourage Americans to lose weight aren't working.

In one study of more than 5,400 adults, the results show that 33% of US adults are overweight, and 38% of US adults are obese. Breaking the data down a bit further, the report writes that "the age-adjusted prevalence of obesity in 2013-2014 was 35% among men, and 40.4% among women." Additionally, more than 5% of men and nearly 10% of women came in morbidly obese.

#FatLivesMatter - America's Most Obese States

#FatLivesMatter - America's Most Obese States

Americans have never been fatter, but beneath the surface of the 'union', some states and ethnicities are more obese than others...

At 18.5%, Hawaii has the lowest adult obesity rate in the U.S., closely followed by Colorado at 19.8%. As Gallup reports, they are the only two states in which the obesity rate is below 20%. West Virginia has the highest adult obesity rate, at 37.0%. In addition to West Virginia, at least one in three adults are obese in Mississippi, Delaware, Arkansas and Oklahoma.


Scientists Discover Obesity ‘Off-Switch’ in the Brain

Scientists have announced that they have found the trigger and potentially the “cure” for obesity.  According to a study published in the Science journal – obesity can be easily controlled by clicking a switch in the brain. An enzyme found in the brains of mice and humans, O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) appears to control our ability to determine whether or not we feel full. Researchers removed this enzyme from one group of mice in a study – and found that the mice ended up eating twice their normal amount of food, becoming much fatter in the process.
