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Inequality Doesn't Create Poverty

Inequality Doesn't Create Poverty

Submitted by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Oxfam, the leftwing NGO devoted to poverty relief has released a new report blaming poverty in wealth inequality. In other words, its central claim is that the existence of very wealthy people creates poverty. 

The report is largely just an extended op-ed that asserts that the existence of some very wealthy people is the cause of poverty in the world. Notable buzzwords and phrases include "trickle down," "obscene levels of inequality," and "neoliberalism."

62 People Have More Wealth Than Half The World, Top 1% Have More Than Everyone Else

62 People Have More Wealth Than Half The World, Top 1% Have More Than Everyone Else

Submitted by Claire Bernish via,

Just 62 individuals now hold the same amount of wealth as 3.6 billion people, the bottom half of the entire planet — a shocking statistic made even more alarming when considering as recently as 2010, that same half of all wealth was held by 388 people. Now, 80 billionaires collectively hold over $2 trillion, while the bottom half has lost $1 trillion of their wealth — in just five years.