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Mattis: NATO Might Drop Ally Pakistan For "Connections With Terrorist Groups"

Mattis: NATO Might Drop Ally Pakistan For "Connections With Terrorist Groups"

Defense Secretary James Mattis told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday that Pakistan might be dropped by the United States as a NATO ally due to its support for the Taliban and other terrorist organizations. Currently, Pakistan is formally designated as a major non-NATO ally (MNNA) - a defense relationship which confers military and financial benefits but does not automatically imply a mutual defense pact.

Trump Unveils New, Dramatic Afghanistan Strategy: "We Aren't Nation-Building Again, We Are Killing Terrorists"

In a widely anticipated national address, President Donald Trump on Monday announced that he will not pull out U.S. troops from Afghanistan, saying he’s committed to a new strategy aimed at winning the nation’s longest war, now in its 17th year. Admitting that his "original instinct was to pull out" of Afghanistan - which in retrospect had been a mistake - Trump said he’s arrived at three "fundamental conclusions" about America’s core interests in Afghanistan:

Wasserman-Schultz And The Pakistani IT Scammers: "There's More Than Just Bank Fraud Going On Here"

Wasserman-Schultz And The Pakistani IT Scammers: "There's More Than Just Bank Fraud Going On Here"

Authored by Andrew McCarthy via National Review,

There’s more than bank fraud going on here.

In Washington, it’s never about what they tell you it’s about. So take this to the bank: The case of Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s mysterious Pakistani IT guy, is not about bank fraud.

Pakistan Plunges Into Political Turmoil After Prime Minister Ousted For Corruption

Pakistan Plunges Into Political Turmoil After Prime Minister Ousted For Corruption

Pakistan plunged into political turmoil when its Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif resigned shortly after the Supreme Court ousted him from office on Friday following an investigation into allegations of corruption centering on undeclared offshore assets.  As Reuters notes, The court disqualified Sharif for not being “honest”, a requirement for lawmakers under Pakistan’s constitution, something the US sorely needs to amend as well. The court also ordered a corruption trial against Mr.
