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Jewish Man Arrested After Going To Synagogue Dressed As A Jihadist

A Jewish man who went rushing into to a synagogue in Paris dressed as a jihadist brandishing a Kalashnikov and shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’, has been arrested The 40-year-old man, who has been branded an idiot, said he pulled the stunt to ‘lighten the mood’ The incident happened on Thursday evening when members of the Habad Loubavitch synagogue in eastern Paris were celebrating the festival of Purim, an annual festival where people dress up.

Sleeping With Sharks Offer At Paris Aquarium

A travel booking company is offering a free overnight stay at an underwater glass bedroom surrounded by 35 sharks at the Paris Aquarium. Three lucky winners and their guests will be invited to stay at the shark infested aquarium by entering a free competition with Airbnb Ireland, explaining their reasoning as to why they would want to spend a night submerged in a tank with sharks. KCTV5 reports: In addition to its fearsome inhabitants, the tank contains 3 million liters (nearly 800,000 gallons) of water. The sleepovers will take place on April 11, 12 or 13.

Don’t Forget Lahore

When the Brussels attacks happened, media coverage and popular outrage filled the days after—like the Paris terror attacks the year before, they dominated the news. And rightly so.

But what of the terrorist bombing in Pakistan on Easter Sunday? The coverage has slowly started to trickle in; the frustration is slowly building. The Vatican Insider shares some details on the bombing:

Brussels Terrorists Searching For Radioactive Isotopes For Dirty Bomb

An expert in nuclear security has told the a Russian news agency that the Brussels terrorists were probably searching for radioactive isotopes for dirty bomb production rather than planning a terrorist act at a nuclear power plant Tass reports: “The terrorist group that committed the terrorist acts in Paris and Brussels showed interest in the Belgian nuclear facilities most probably for the purpose of gaining access to highly radioactive isotopes for creating a radiological explosive device, the so-called dirty bomb, rather than exploding a nuclear power plant,” the expert said.

"Dirty Bomb" Fears Rise After Belgian Nuclear Guard Murdered, Access Badge Stolen

"Dirty Bomb" Fears Rise After Belgian Nuclear Guard Murdered, Access Badge Stolen

Hours after brothers Khalid and Ibrahim El-Bakraoui and two other men (one of whom may or may not have been bombmaker Najim Laachraoui) detonated explosives-laden vests and luggage at the Brussels airport and metro murdering nearly two dozen people and wounding scores more, we were alarmed but not entirely surprised to see Belgium evacuate the Tihange nuclear power plant.
