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Mysterious "Missing" Vegas Security Guard Left The Country Days After Vegas Massacre

Mysterious "Missing" Vegas Security Guard Left The Country Days After Vegas Massacre

The mystery surrounding Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos grows increasingly bizarre by the day.  Following Stephen Paddock's October 1st massacre in Las Vegas, Campos, who may or may not have been shot by Paddock, flaked on a press conference that he reportedly scheduled then went missing for days before suddenly resurfacing on the 'Ellen' show.

This Is What The US-Mexico Border Wall Actually Looks Like Right Now

This Is What The US-Mexico Border Wall Actually Looks Like Right Now

Having signed an executive order to begin construction of the "great big wall" along the Mexican border, one which according to Congressional estimates will cost between $12 and $15 billion, some forget that even at this moment many parts of the border with Mexico are already covered in fences. In other spots, the wall is not made of bricks, but out of scanners, drones, and guards.

National Geographic photographer James Whitlow Delano has visited the border several times in the past decades as these walls have gone up. These are his photos and stories:

Wife Finds Missing Husband’s Body With Smartphone App

The desperate wife of a missing California man used an app on her smartphone to locate his body after earlier reporting him missing to police. The find-my-phone application led the woman to her husband’s car which lay crushed below an elevated ramp at the interchange of Highway 101 and Highway 92 in San Mateo, California. Mercury News reports: Jayesh Patel, 49, died late Friday or early Saturday after the Mercedes he was driving careened off Highway 92 and plummeted to a field below, the California Highway Patrol reported.