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What First Amendment? Arizona Wants Power To Seize The Assets Of Protesters

What First Amendment? Arizona Wants Power To Seize The Assets Of Protesters

Submitted by James Holbrooks via,

If Republicans in Arizona’s senate have their way, police in that state could soon have the power to seize assets and property from protesters, the Arizona Capitol Times reports.

From a February 22 article:

“Claiming people are being paid to riot, Republican state senators voted Wednesday to give police new power to arrest anyone who is involved in a peaceful demonstration that may turn bad — even before anything actually happened.


After Trump Trolls Perez On Twitter, New Democrat Leader Vows To Be "Trump's Worst Nightmare"

For an indication of the current state of US political discourse, look no further than twitter.

Shortly after Democratic establishment favorite Tom Perez defeated Keith Ellison as the new DNC Chair, the Republican National Committee issued a statement slamming Democrats for being out of touch with the American people, a sentiment shared once again by many Bernie Sanders supporters, who saw the loss of Ellison as a symbolic perpetuation of the status quo.
