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Calexit - Beat The Crowd

Calexit - Beat The Crowd

Submitted by Dennis Miller via,

Our country has become bitterly divided. No matter who won the election, I predicted we would soon be reading about states wanting to secede from the union.

Even before President Trump was sworn in, the California movement, known as Calexit, began. The first step is to ask voters to adopt a state Constitutional Amendment revoking the U. S. Constitution as the supreme law. makes this appeal:

Commander-In-Chief Orders CIA To Halt Support Of ISIS In Syria

President Donald Trump has ordered the CIA to halt all support for ISIS militants in Syria, in a show of solidarity to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The White House told the Central Intelligence Agency to halt arming groups associated with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) – a rebel group opposed to Assad that has strong ties with ISIL. reports: For several years, the CIA has provided training and other forms of assistance to rebel groups in Syria, such as the New Syrian Force, which operate under the umbrella of the FSA.

Boehner: Full Repeal And Replace Of Obamacare "Is Not Going To Happen"

Back on January 12th, 8 days before Trump even officially moved into the White House, the prospects of a quick repeal and replacement of Obamacare were looking really good when the Senate voted 51-48 to instruct key committees to start drafting legislation to do away with Obama's crowning "achievement".  In fact, that early January budget resolution required lawmakers to submit repeal proposals for consideration by January 27th, a lofty goal, but welcome news to conservative voters around the country that were eager for a quick unwind of the controversial legislation.
