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Dr. Steve Pieczenik Says General Flynn Was Purposely Removed, the Left are Ineffectual Frustrated Children

Dr. Steve Pieczenik is the real deal -- old school intelligence officer who claims to be part of a group of retired and active intelligence officers who leaked the Podesta emails to Wikileaks in order to derail Hillary's campaign. To be honest, these type of men make me uncomfortable. I am merely succored by the fact that he is supporting someone that I like. Now if I was a HILLBOT or someone interested in derailing Trump, this man would terrify me.

The Trump Presidency: RIP

The Trump Presidency: RIP

Paul Craig Roberts

Has Donald Trump overestimated his presidential power? The answer is yes.

Is Steve Bannon, Trump’s main advisor, politically inexperienced? The answer is yes.

We can conclude from the answers to these two questions that Trump is in over his head and will pay a big price.

How large will the price be?

The New York Times reports that US “intelligence agencies…sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election.”

Heads Will Roll: Jason Chaffetz Requests Official DOJ Investigation Into Illegal Leaks Of Flynn Calls To The Press

Heads Will Roll: Jason Chaffetz Requests Official DOJ Investigation Into Illegal Leaks Of Flynn Calls To The Press

Heads are about to roll, can you feel it? House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz along with Bob Goodlatte (R-VA)  have submitted a letter to the Justice Department's inspector general, Michael Horowitz, requesting a formal investigation into both the surveillance and subsequent leaks of classified communications "of or regarding" former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn - citing the highly inappropriate release of information.
