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Only 20% Of Europeans Want Muslim Immigration To Continue, 'Massive' Poll Finds

Only 20% Of Europeans Want Muslim Immigration To Continue, 'Massive' Poll Finds

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Nigel Farage made a brief speech in European Parliament on Monday in which he stated:  

Chatham House, the reputable group, published a massive survey from 10 European states, and only 20% of people want immigration from Muslim countries to continue.”

Here is the Chatham House poll referenced by Farage: What Do Europeans Think About Muslim Immigration?

Chatham House Poll

Will Trump Succeed In Restoring America, Or Will His Enemies Drag Him (And The Country) Down?

Submitted by James George Jatras via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

After barely two weeks in office Donald Trump has stunned the world with his «shock and awe» campaign to keep promises made when he was a candidate. The mere fact of a politician doing what he said he would do seems to have unsettled the nerves of his opponents. What is called «Trump Derangement Syndrome» is already reaching critical proportions.

Michael Moore: Trump Is A ‘Filthy’ Russian

Liberal activist and filmmaker Michael Moore has accused President Donald Trump of working for the Russians, arguing he should be locked up in prison for treason. In a hysterical tirade of abuse, the far-left extremist tweeted a series of attacks at Trump, designed to stir up anti-Russian feelings amid the current “deep state” coup d’etat against the White House. Moore is calling on Trump to resign, claiming that he “must have known” about the phone call between Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
