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500 US Troops Arrive In Romania For Russia Showdown

Five hundred US troops and tanks have arrived in Romania in preparation for a showdown with Russia.  The troops arrived in a Romanian Black Sea port on Tuesday as part of a move to help support NATO deal with so-called “Russian aggression.” reports: US Ambassador Hans G. Klemm said the troops would be stationed in an airbase in the country’s east on a rotating basis.

Top Neocon, Bill Kristol, Exposes His True Undemocratic Feelings During High Moment on Twitter

Bill Kristol's father was one of the founders of the neocon movement. Essentially, they were former communists who were loyal to Trotsky who toiled to overthrow Stalin, in an effort to spread communism. After the USSR collapsed, they coopted the GOP and used 'democracy' as their call for global revolution, which was essentially code for empire through war.

Naturally, they've been part of the government for a long time, via Kissinger and Brzezinski, but they only truly came out in the open under the idiot Bush.

Here's an excellent piece discussing them.

Coming Soon To A City Near You: The US Military's Plan To Take Over America

Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

“Our current and past strategies can no longer hold. We are facing environments that the masters of war never foresaw. We are facing a threat that requires us to redefine doctrine and the force in radically new and different ways. The future army will confront a highly sophisticated urban-centric threat that will require that urban operations become the core requirement for the future land-force. The threat is clear. Our direction remains to be defined. The future is urban.”


NYTimes Reports Trump Aides' "Repeated Contact" With Russian Intel Officials, Admits No Collusion Discovered

NYTimes Reports Trump Aides' "Repeated Contact" With Russian Intel Officials, Admits No Collusion Discovered

As The White House tries to put the Flynn disappointment behind them, The New York Times appears to be resurrecting an old story with a new angle to keep the 'blame the Russians' narrative alive. Following FISA court approval (to spy on Trump's campaign), intercepted calls reportedly show "repeated contact" between Trump advisor Paul Manafort and senior Russian intelligence officials... but reveal no collusion.

Democrats At Pennsylvania College Invite Students To Wear White Pins As Reminder Of Their "White Privilege"

Democrats At Pennsylvania College Invite Students To Wear White Pins As Reminder Of Their "White Privilege"

Students at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania are being encouraged by the campus Democrat club to wear a white pin for a year to help them reflect on their "white privilege and the impact white privilege has on people of color."  The campaign was launched over the weekend by the Elizabethtown College Democrats, who say it aims to make students at the small and private liberal arts college in Pennsylvania more introspective about issues of race, especially in their predominantly white region of Lancaster County.
