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Trump Security Team "In Turmoil" After Flynn Resignation, Russia Calls It An "Internal Matter"

Trump Security Team "In Turmoil" After Flynn Resignation, Russia Calls It An "Internal Matter"

Less than a month into the new administration, President Trump security team has been plunged into "turmoil" following last night's unexpected resignation announcement by his now former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn. In some additional back story color, Flynn reportedly infuriated VP Pence by misleading him about the call, then not fully apologizing, the NYT reported and also added that Steve Bannon pushed for his resignation since Friday.

Italy's Renzi Promotes Renzi-ism As Alternative To Trump-ism, Le Pen-ism, Grillo-ism

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Former Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi announced today that he would call a PD party congress, effectively putting his role as party leader into question.

In his speech, Renzi stated “Some people wanted a party congress to find an alternative to Renzi-ism. It needs to be done as an alternative to Trump-ism, Le Pen-ism and even Grillo-ism.”

Hypocrite McCain Caught Posing With Al Qaeda And ISIS

Senator John McCain, a vocal and vicious outspoken critic of Donald Trump, has been caught posing with Al Qaeda and ISIS operatives in an embarrassing set of pictures posted online.  Senator McCain called President Trump’s recent raid in Yemen a failure, continuing his tradition of criticizing Trump’s foreign policy, despite the fact that McCain himself has an extremely shady history when it comes to foreign policy issues.

Saudi Arabia Named As ‘Number One’ Terrorist State – Not Iran

President Trump’s claim that Iran is the “number one terrorist state” has been proved false, as leaks originating from within the White House secretly acknowledge that Saudi Arabia is the world’s biggest sponsor of terrorism.  Throughout Trump’s presidential campaign, he has made Iran the number one enemy of the United States, urging the public and military to prepare for a confrontation with the country in the near future. The truth, however, is that Saudi Arabia, a U.S. ally, is secretly considered the world’s biggest threat to terrorism by officials in Washington.
