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Politicians Are Now Making Plans In Case The Public Turns Against Them Violently

Submitted by James Holbrooks via,

As protests continue to break out all around the nation over President Donald Trump’s desire to scrap Obamacare, Politico reported Tuesday that many politicians are beginning to worry about their own personal safety — to the point where some are having private sessions to discuss the matter.

Citing sources who were in the room, Politico writes:

Assad: Trump Is Right – Terrorists Are Entering The U.S. As ‘Refugees’

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has warned that if Trump’s immigration ban does not get implemented then terrorists leaving Syria will spill into the United States unchecked. Assad praised Trump as being the only Western leader offering real solutions in the war against ISIS, and predicted on Wednesday that if Trump is allowed to get on with the job, his plan will be successful.

Congress Set To Defund ‘Wasteful’ NPR

Congress have threatened to defund National Public Radio (NPR) and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) due to their wasteful spending of public money.  Representative Doug Lamborn has introduced two bills that will permanently eliminate federal tax dollars from the two organizations. reports: “American taxpayers do not want their hard-earned dollars funding superfluous government programs just because that is the way things have always been done,” Lamborn wrote on his congressional webpage.

Record Number Of Americans Renounce U.S. Citizenship In 2016; 2,200% Surge During Obama Reign

Record Number Of Americans Renounce U.S. Citizenship In 2016; 2,200% Surge During Obama Reign

Obama warned everyone back in 2009 that "elections have consequences."  Now, eight years later, we learn that apparently the "consequences" of running around the country for nearly a decade threatening to raise taxes, "spread the wealth around" and pursue any number of other socialist policies are a record number of people renouncing their U.S. citizenship.
