Martin Armstrong Warns "World War III Looms In Eastern European Tensions"

Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,
Submitted by Martin Armstrong via,
Following the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as the next attorney general, a series of mass arrests of politicians connected to a Washington D.C. pedophile ring is expected to begin in a matter of days. Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama was confirmed as the next attorney general following a 52-47 vote on Wednesday. His swearing in on Thursday is expected to precede the mass arrests of high profile senior politicians connected to the ‘Pizzagate‘ scandal in Washington D.C.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that most terrorist attacks are false flag operations designed by the West in order to control members of the public. Speaking at the 13th annual meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in October last year, Putin began his speech by pointing out that a globalist elite cabal of just “1 percent” dominate our world in order to further a New World Order agenda “for their own beloved selves, for the select few, and not for all”.
The White House are about label the military in Iran as an official terrorist organization, according to a Trump senior aide. Trump’s cabinet are keen to label the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Iran a terrorist organization as part of their pledge to eradicate radical Islam, and have singled out Iran as “the clearest danger to US interests”. reports: The IRGC is labeled by the Times of Israel as Iran’s most powerful military and political institution.
Submitted by Brandon Smith via,
For months now, long before the 2016 election, I have been warning about a specific social dynamic which is likely to lead to a form of civil war within the U.S.; namely, the reality that people on the left side of the political spectrum would become despondent at the inevitable loss of their candidate, Hillary Clinton, and that they would react by becoming far more militant. In my article 'Order Out Of Chaos: The Defeat Of The Left Comes With A Cost', published November post-election, I stated: