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The Silent Terror Of The FBI - Could The Fourth Reich Happen Here?

Submitted by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

“After five years of Hitler’s dictatorship, the Nazi police had won the FBI’s seal of approval.” - Historian Robert Gellately


“Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the United States, and he is fast rising to power.” - Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, on the danger posed by the FBI to our civil liberties

Lately, there’s been a lot of rhetoric comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. The concern is that a Nazi-type regime may be rising in America.

What Is Trump's Approval Rating? It Depends On Who You Ask

What Is Trump's Approval Rating? It Depends On Who You Ask

While we would never be the ones to question the integrity of "independent" pollsters, how could we given the amazing job they did predicting the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, we're starting to grow a bit curious about the ever-widening gap in Trump's approval ratings between the various polling institutions.

For example, the latest Rasmussen daily tracking poll found that 53% of likely U.S. voters approve of President Trump’s job performance while 47% disapprove.


Iranian Oil Will Not Be Stopped By Trump

Iranian Oil Will Not Be Stopped By Trump

Submitted by Gregory Brew via,

Despite new sanctions by the Trump Administration and an escalating war of words regarding its ballistic missile program, Iran is continuing to push ahead with plans to maintain oil production at around 3.8 million bpd, the level agreed upon at the November OPEC meeting last year. In order to do so, Iran will need to attract billions in new investment, as its current production is based on aging fields and crumbling infrastructure.

Poll Finds Trump Administration Seen As More Truthful Than News Media

Poll Finds Trump Administration Seen As More Truthful Than News Media

An Emerson College poll found that in the early days of the Trump administration, the nation remains almost evenly split on Donald Trump’s performance as President, with 48% of registered voters approving of the job Trump is doing, versus 47% who disapprove. The variance falls largely along party lines: Republicans approve of Trump  89%/5%, while Democrats disapprove of the President by a margin of 81% to 17%. What is keeping Trump’s from passing the 50% threshold in the poll is his standing among independents, who disapprove of him 52%/42%.

"The Media Coverage On Syria Is The Biggest Media Lie Of Our Time"

"The Media Coverage On Syria Is The Biggest Media Lie Of Our Time"

Via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

Flemish Father Daniël Maes (78) lives in Syria in the sixth-century-old Mar Yakub monastery in the city of Qara, 90 kilometers north of the capital Damascus. Father Daniel has been a witness to the “civil war” and according to him, Western reports on the conflict in Syria are very misleading. In short: “the Americans and their allies want to completely ruin the country.”

