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Congress To Investigate Obama Efforts To Thwart A DEA Investigation Of Hezbollah Drug Trafficking

Congress To Investigate Obama Efforts To Thwart A DEA Investigation Of Hezbollah Drug Trafficking

At this point, it's well known that Obama was willing to do just about anything to salvage his highly controversial "nuclear deal" with Tehran.  In fact, as we noted over the summer, 'anything' included airlifting $1.7 billion dollars worth of euros, Swiss francs and other currencies, stacked on wooden pallets, to Tehran on an unmarked cargo plane (we covered it here: "White House Caught Secretly Airlifting $1.7 Billion US Taxpayer Cash To Tehran To Ensure Iran Nuclear Accord Success"). 

Ex-FBI Assistant Director: Patriots Within The FBI Will Soon Step Forward And Expose The "Cabal"

Ex-FBI Assistant Director: Patriots Within The FBI Will Soon Step Forward And Expose The "Cabal"

Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom spoke to FBN's Stewart Varney to discuss recent bombshells concerning the FBI, whose top brass has been conducting a highly politicized witch-hunt of President Trump on behalf of the anti-Trump establishment, while protecting then-candidate Hillary Clinton from criminal charges related to her email investigation, Clinton Foundation involvement in pay-for-play schemes, including a farcical probe of the Uranium One scandal.

James Kallstrom, Fmr FBI Asst Director

McCabe Testimony Contained "Numerous Conflicts" With Previous Witnesses; Subpoenas Planned

McCabe Testimony Contained "Numerous Conflicts" With Previous Witnesses; Subpoenas Planned

After Eight Hours Of Testimony And More Scheduled For Thursday, Congressional investigators tell Fox News that Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe dodged questions on the "Trump-Russia" dossier, and his testimony "contained numerous conflicts with the testimony of previous witnesses" so much that the House Intelligence Committee is planning to issue new subpoenas next week to Justice Department and FBI Personnel. 

America Preparing "Bloody Nose" Military Attack On North Korea: Telegraph

America Preparing "Bloody Nose" Military Attack On North Korea: Telegraph

While North Korea managed to once again drop off the list of immediate geopolitical concerns having kept relative quiet in recent weeks, without any notable provocations or ICBM launches, this may be changing soon, because according to the Telegraph, America is drawing up plans for a “bloody nose” military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons program. The UK newspaper's sources claim that the White House has “dramatically” stepped up preparation for a military solution in recent months amid fears diplomacy is not working.
