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"Danger" - Matt Drudge Warns: "Republicans Only Know How To Be Opposition, Not Lead!"

"Danger" - Matt Drudge Warns: "Republicans Only Know How To Be Opposition, Not Lead!"

Drudge Report founder Matt Drudge does not personally tweet too often, so when he does, it is likely something that has infuriated him and that appears to be the case with the Republican party that he helped get elected.

In an angry tweet, Drudge raged, Republicans should be "sued for fraud" for not prioritizing tax cuts and ObamaCare...

In New Executive Order, Trump Plans To Send ISIS Detainees To Guantanamo

The Trump Administration is preparing an executive order that would direct the Pentagon to bring future Islamic State detainees to Guantánamo Bay prison, despite warnings from national security officials and legal scholars that doing so risks undermining what increasinly appears as an "illegal" war launched by Obama to combat the terrorist organization (which many have accused of being directly and indirectly created by Saudi Arabia and the US itself).

Trump Set To Approve Weapons Sales To Saudi Arabia, Bahrain Blocked By Obama

There was cheering among the libertarian community when, in the last months of his administration, Barack Obama decided to halt some arms sales to Saudi Arabia, following "allegations" of war crimes perpetrated by the kingdom in Yemen. However, it appears that Saudi Arabia - despite its clear predisposition toward Hillary Clinton in the presidential race - has made even deeper inroads into the White House than many suspected because according to the Washington Times, the Trump Administration is poised to "quickly approve" not only the deal rejected by Obama.

Has The American Establishment Opted for Thermo-Nuclear War?

Has The American Establishment Opted for Thermo-Nuclear War?

Paul Craig Roberts

If you want to be an American TV talking head or a Western presstitute, you are required to be braindead and integrity-challenged like Bill O’Reilly, CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and all the rest.

In an interview with President Donald Trump, O’Reilly said: “Putin is a killer.”
