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Morgan Freeman Tells Hollywood “Shut The Hell Up About Trump”

Respected actor and narrator Morgan Freeman has urged his fellow Hollywood actors to stop criticising President Trump and ditch the cry-baby narrative that currently dominates the media. In a new interview with AARP Magazine, Freeman said that actors and entertainers should support the President and give him a chance to prove himself. reports: Perhaps the most interesting topic, though, was a brief discussion of the current state of American politics.

Has Trump - Who Ran On an Anti-War Platform - Already Sold Out to the Warmongers ... Or Is He Just Playing for Leverage?

Conservative Patrick Buchanan - who endorsed Trump for president - writes:

High among the reasons that many supported Trump was his understanding that George W. Bush blundered horribly in launching an unprovoked and unnecessary war on Iraq.


Unlike the other candidates, Trump seemed to recognize this.

The Unpoisoning: Two Proposals To Rescue The US Educational System And Federal Workforce From Liberal Indoctrination

The Unpoisoning: Two Proposals To Rescue The US Educational System And Federal Workforce From Liberal Indoctrination

If ever one needed better evidence of failed liberal ideology, look no further than the complete mental breakdown and kneejerk arrogance programmed into a nation of tantruming pseudo-intellectual children of all ages. I've never seen so many overly-dramatic sore losers who can't manage to look inward and move on with their lives.

GOP Congressman Gets Police Escort After Town Hall Turns Angry Over Obamacare Repeal

In a pushback against Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, on Saturday California GOP Rep. Tom McClintock was forced to request a police escort after his efforts to defend his party’s Obamacare plans before a packed auditorium fell short and almost turned violent. Hundreds of people showed up for the town hall meeting, and McClintock's staff told him the situation was deteriorating, according to the LA Times.
