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Iran To Name US Individuals Helping Regional Terrorist Groups

Iran is set to to expose names of individuals and entities in the United States that were responsible for “helping and founding” terrorist groups. The announcement came after US Treasury Department published a list of 13 Iranian individuals and 12 Iranian entities that would face new restrictions following Iran’s recent ballistic missile test. Tehran retaliated to the US sanctions on Friday by saying it would impose legal restrictions on American individuals and entities that were responsible for helping regional terrorist groups.

Pelosi Demands The FBI Find "What Russians Have On Trump"

Pelosi Demands The FBI Find "What Russians Have On Trump"

Despite US allies around the world seeking partnerships with Russia (most recently Japan's Abe), it appears the Democrats simply cannot let go of the last meme standing between their loss in the election and a drastic reality check on the failure of identi5ty politics. Hours after Trump's comments on Putin's killing ways, Nancy Pelosi grandstanded on NBC's 'Meet The Press' that "I want to know what the Russians have on Donald Trump."

"A Lot Of The Toothpaste Is Already Out": Ryan Explains Why The Iran Deal Will Stay In Place

One day after Iran defied Trump with a new missile tests and threatened enemies with "roaring missiles" following Friday's Iran sanctions, confirming our Friday report, House Speaker Paul Ryan said that despite the troubling escalation in sanctions, the Iran Nuclear deal negotiated by the Obama administration is likely to remain in place.
