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US-UK Trade Talks To Begin Immediately In Defiance Of EU Rules: What's Trump Up To?

US-UK Trade Talks To Begin Immediately In Defiance Of EU Rules: What's Trump Up To?

Submitted by Mike Shedlock via,

Congratulations to UK prime minister Theresa May for poking a finger into the eyes of EU nannycrats.

EU rules say members cannot negotiate trade deals until exit from the block is finalized, but you can kiss that rule goodbye.

The Wall Street Journal reports British PM Theresa May Says U.K.-U.S. Trade Talks to Begin Immediately.

First Big Shock For Wall Street: Republicans Warn No Trump Tax Reform Until Spring 2018

When it comes to Wall Street, Trump can launch martial law, suspend habeas corpus and/or use the Constitution for kindling and the market could care less as stocks will still go up. However, threaten some of Trump's core economic stimulus projects like infrastructure spending (i.e., more public debt to fund corporate bottom lines) or tax reform (even more public debt flowing through to EPS), and suddenly stocks will pay very close attention.

Is Soros On The Ropes?

Submitted by Wayne Madsen via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Although multi-billionaire hedge fund tycoon and international political pot-stirrer George Soros lost big with the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States and the victory of the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom, he stands to lose further ground, politically and financially, as the winds of political change sweep across the globe.

British Navy To Lead Gulf War Games Simulating Conflict With Iran

Britain along with the US, France and Australia are about to start war games in the Persian Gulf where they will be simulating a confrontation with Iran. The British Royal Navy will be leading the drill called exercise Unified Trident. The show of force will involve the Royal Navy flagship HMS Ocean and Type 45 destroyer HMS Daring,  along with the US warships USS Hopper and USS Mahan, French anti-aircraft frigate FS Forbin, and Australian forces. Sputnik news reports: It will be held off the coast of Bahrain from January 31 to February 2.

Trump Slams McCain, Graham: "Stop Trying To Start World War III"

Shortly after Senators McCain and Graham issued their "joint statement on President Trump's Executive Order on immigration"...

U.S. Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) released the following statement today on the President’s executive order on immigration:



“Our government has a responsibility to defend our borders, but we must do so in a way that makes us safer and upholds all that is decent and exceptional about our nation.

