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Who To Believe On Washington's Korea Policy, Tillerson Or Trump?

Who To Believe On Washington's Korea Policy, Tillerson Or Trump?

Authored by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

President Trump has often said that his foreign policy objective was to keep his enemies guessing. If that’s the goal, you could say that he’s doing a good job. The problem is who does he think his enemies are, because the American people are often left guessing as well.

Trump Takes Aim At China, Russia In Unipolar-World-Order-Defending National Security Strategy

Trump Takes Aim At China, Russia In Unipolar-World-Order-Defending National Security Strategy

President Trump is expected to release the new National Security Strategy for the United States this afternoon. We discussed the potential drivers behing his reportedly aggressive stance yesterday, but the bigger questions remain...

Will it rein in some of the global adventurism of the Bush and Obama presidencies?


Will it correct the gaping disconnect between what the White House says about places like North Korea and what the Secretary of State says?


"This Is A Historic Event": GOP Leaders Say Tax Reform Will Pass By Week's End

"This Is A Historic Event": GOP Leaders Say Tax Reform Will Pass By Week's End

After weeks of frenzied closed-door haggling, Republicans appear to be on the cusp of what could be the greatest legislative achievement of the Trump administration: Passing the first comprehensive tax reform plan since 1986. And on Sunday, Republican leaders reiterated that they had cobbled together the votes to push the reconciled version of the GOP tax plan through both the House and the Senate - in the process accomplishing the improbable feat of passing the tax bill by year’s end, according to Reuters.
