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Stocks, Yields, Dollar Surge On News Rubio Is "Yes" On Tax Bill

Stocks, Yields, Dollar Surge On News Rubio Is "Yes" On Tax Bill

And just like that, stocks priced in tax reform for the nth consecutive day, because one day after speculation that Marco Rubio would be a hurdle to the passage of tax reform, which pushed stocks modestly lower, moments ago Fox - or is that Disney - reported that Marcio Rubio is a "yes" on the tax bill, sending risk assets soaring in the latest "buy-everything" euphoria.

Watch Live: Trump To Speak At FBI National Academy Graduation Ceremony

Well, this should be sufficiently awkward.  Amid an ongoing feud with the "tainted (no, very dishonest?) FBI"...

FBI Edits To Clinton Exoneration Go Far Beyond What Was Previously Known; Comey, McCabe, Strzok Implicated

FBI Edits To Clinton Exoneration Go Far Beyond What Was Previously Known; Comey, McCabe, Strzok Implicated

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee has discovered that edits made to former FBI Director James Comey's statement exonerating Hillary Clinton for transmitting classified info over an unsecured, private email server went far beyond what was previously known, as detailed in a Thursday letter from committee chairman Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) to FBI Director Christopher Wray. 

James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok

Brexit Moves To Phase 2 - Sterling Slides As EU Warns Talks Will Be Far More Testing

Brexit Moves To Phase 2 - Sterling Slides As EU Warns Talks Will Be Far More Testing

Following the humiliation of losing the House of Commons vote on Friday, in which MP’s took the final say on the Brexit deal from the executive, UK Prime Minister was in Brussels as EU leaders gave approval for Brexit talks to move to phase 2. At a dinner last night, she was applauded by leaders of the other 27 EU nations after giving a speech. This morning, the European Council approved the recommendation from the European Commission that talks should proceed to the next phase. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, tweeted the news.
