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Hillary for Prison: Jason Chaffetz Promises to Continue and Expand His Investigation into Her Email Scandal

Trump ran on the promise to 'lock her up,' regarding Hillary's activities with her insecure email server and subsequent activities in destroying evidence that might've paved the way for her landing on her head in prison. No one could say for sure, since upwards of 30,000 emails were destroyed by the Clinton camp -- in a feverish ploy to evade investigation.

Who Beat Hitler? USA, Britain, Or Russia

Who Beat Hitler? USA, Britain, Or Russia

In 1945, most French people thought that the Soviet Union deserved the most credit for Nazi Germany's defeat in World War II - even though the Soviets did not play much of a role in France's liberation, relative to the US and Britain.

By 1995 and 2004, however, the French had changed their minds, and were crediting the US as the biggest contributor to victory in Europe (survey data from the French Institute of Public Opinion)...

Source: Olivier Berruyer at Les Crises blog

State Department Says Presenting Evidence Of Russian Hacking Would Be "Irresponsible"

One recurring lament throughout the theatrically dramatic campaign involving reports and emotional appeals by US intelligence agencies such as the CIA (whose primary function is the creation of disinformation) to ordinary Americans, that Russia had "hacked the US presidential election" is that for all the bluster and "conviction", there has been zero evidence.
