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Roy Moore Refuses To Concede: "We've Got To Go By The Rules"

Roy Moore Refuses To Concede: "We've Got To Go By The Rules"

With 100% of precincts reporting, Doug Jones has officially defeated Republican Roy Moore in what was undoubtedly one of the most controversial special elections in modern history. But unsurprisingly, given the obstinance he displayed by steadfastly refusing to step aside following allegations of inappropriate sexual contact with teenagers, managing to infurate conservative commentator Matt Drudge in the process...

Russia Begins Withdrawing Troops, Aircraft From Syria

Russia Begins Withdrawing Troops, Aircraft From Syria

Most of the remaining Russian forces operating in Syria, including the Tu-22M3 long-range bombers and Beriev A-50 AWACSs are returning to home just days after President Vladimir Putin surprised the world by announcing that Russian military forces would swiftly withdraw from Syria – a promise that elicited accusations of insincerity from the West.

The first contingent of Russian aircraft left on Tuesday, according to Russia Today.

EU Could Scrap "Divisive & Ineffective" Refugee Quota Scheme

EU Could Scrap "Divisive & Ineffective" Refugee Quota Scheme

The Guardian reports that EU could scrap a divisive scheme that compels member states to accept quotas of refugees, one of the bloc’s most senior leaders will say this week.

The president of the European council, Donald Tusk, will tell EU leaders at a summit on Thursday that mandatory quotas have been divisive and ineffective, in a clear sign that he is ready to abandon the policy that has created bitter splits across the continent.

Paul Craig Roberts: "ISIS Is Defeated, The US Is Next In Line"

Paul Craig Roberts: "ISIS Is Defeated, The US Is Next In Line"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Is the US really a superpower or just the biggest collection of stupidity on the planet?

Washington has already lost the Syrian war once. Now it is about to lose it a second time.

A few days ago the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, declared a “complete victory” in Syria:

“Two hours ago, the (Russian) defense minister reported to me that the operations on the eastern and western banks of the Euphrates have been completed with the total rout of the terrorists.”

John Lennon Was Right: The Government Is Run By Maniacs For Maniacal Means

Authored by John Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,

Not much has changed in the 37 years since John Lennon was gunned down by an assassin’s bullet.

All of the many complaints we have about government today - surveillance, corruption, harassment, political persecution, spying, overcriminalization, etc. - were used against Lennon, who never refrained from speaking truth to power and calling for social justice, peace and a populist revolution.

Little wonder, then, that the U.S. government saw Lennon as enemy number one.
